1. The information in this website is prepared and made particularly for the services provided by Common Cultures Company Limited (hereinafter as “This Company”). This Company does not guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information in this website. Under no circumstance shall this Company be indemnified for any loss (both direct and indirect) borne by any individual caused by the application, content, commodities or services of this website. The company shall not be indemnified for any legal responsibility or damage arising from matters in relation to negligence, contractual (or other forms of) infringement or litigation of any nature.

1. 本網站所載資訊是為平凡文化事業有限公司(下稱「本公司」)所提供的各項服務而準備及製作,本公司對其所載的資訊完整性及準確性不作任向保證,於任何情況下,本公司均不會就任何人士使用本網站的應用程式、內容、貨品或服務而導致或蒙受的一切損失,包括直接或間接或相應而產生的損失,或關乎疏忽,合同或其他形式的侵權或其他性質的訴訟,而承擔任何法律責任或作任何賠償。

2. This Company will encrypt to its best ability all personal information saved in the system of this website to avoid unnecessary stealing and use. However, having regard to the nature of the Internet, this Company cannot completely guarantee the transmission safety and encryption of the data. If you are aware of any personal data being disclosed, please contact this Company at once.

2. 本公司會盡力將儲存在本網站系統內的個人資料保密,免受到不必要的盜取及使用,但鑑於互聯網的性質,本公司不能對資料傳送安全和保密作出完全保證或聲明。若閣下發現個人資料在未經授權下遭洩漏,請立即與本公司聯絡。

3. Other websites linking to this website may also collect your personal data. The Privacy Terms of this Company shall not be applicable to the personal information being collected by the websites that browsers visit via this website. You should take the risk brought by such an act. This Company shall not be indemnified for any responsibility or loss arising from the accuracy of information, validity or safety of the other linked websites.

3. 連結至本網站的其他網站,也可能蒐集閣下的個人資料。本公司的私隱條款將不適用於瀏覽者從本網站連結到其他網站時被收集個人資料,閣下須自行承擔有關之風險,本公司對於連結其他網站上所載資訊的準確性、有效性或安全性,均不承擔任何責任或損失。

4. The online payment system for your purchase may not be conducted in the platform of this website. When using online payment systems not provided by this website, customers should understand the information such as user policy and privacy terms of the website of that particular online payment system. The privacy policy of this Company shall not be applicable to the online payment system not conducted in this website.

4. 閣下於本網站購買貨品時,所使用的網上付款糸統並不一定在本網頁的平台內進行,客戶使用本網站以外的網上付款系統時,必須理解該網上付款系統網站內所列明的使用政策及私隱條款等資料。本公司的私隱政策將不適用於不於本網站內的網上付款系統。

Last Updated on 18 May 2021
