This policy aims to elaborate how Common Cultures Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “this Company”) collects, uses, keeps, saves, acquires, transfers and shares personal information. This Company is entitled to revise this Privacy Policy and the revised version will be uploaded to this website.


This Company respects the right of privacy of individuals who provide their personal data to its website (official website: and abides by the regulations in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


1. The personal data (as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance) collected via this website by this Company includes the following:

1. 本公司從本網站所收集的個人資料(定義見個人資料(私隱)條例),包括以下各項內容:

(i) the IP address and location of the personal computer used, the time, the type of browser and visited webpages;

(i) 瀏覽者個人電腦網絡協定位址(IP Address)及地域等,曾瀏覽本網站時間、瀏覽器類別及曾瀏覽的網頁;

(ii) The website will record when a person visits this website and use its application for analysing the number of guest and the operation of the website. Part of the information will be collected via cookies. A cookie is a small amount of data automatically saved in the browser of the visitor’s computer that can be retrieved by this website to create better online experience for users. The information collected by cookies is anonymous aggregated research data, which contains no personal information such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc. All common browsers have activated the cookies function by default. If you would like to stop using cookies or get notified of its use, you may change the preference of your browser or reject its use. However, you may therefore be rejected to visit some pages of this website. This webpage may also use page tagging (also known as transparent GIF or pixel tags), which is small images that contain unique tags in the programme code of this website and share similar functions as cookies. This website uses page tagging to monitor this website and conduct market analysis to understand if user visits this website via advertisements from a third party and improve the performance of this website. This can help this Company to evaluate the effectiveness of the content, commodities and other services on this website.

(ii) 瀏覽者使用本網站及應用程式時,本網站會作記錄,以分析本網站的訪客人數和一般使用狀況。其中部分資料將透過「曲奇檔案」(Cookies)方式收集。Cookies是載有小量資料的檔案,自動儲存於訪客本身電腦所安裝的互聯網瀏覽器,可供本網站日後檢索,以便為用戶營造更理想的線上體驗。Cookies收集的是不記名的集體統計資料,並不包括姓名、地址、電話、電郵地址等個人聯絡資料。目前常見的瀏覽器版本均預設啟動Cookies的功能。如閣下想禁用Cookies或被通知Cookies的使用,可更改瀏覽器的設定或拒絕接受Cookies。然而,閣下可能因此而不能進入本網站的某些網頁。本網站亦可能使用網絡訊標 (亦稱為透明 Gif或像素標籤),它們是加入到網頁程式碼內附有獨特標識符的細小圖像,功能與 Cookies 相似。 本網站使用網絡訊標來監察本網站及進行市場分析,以瞭解閣下是否透過第三方網站顯示的網上廣告進入本網站及改善本網站的表現。 這有助本公司評估本網站提供的內容、貨品和其他服務的成效。

(iii) If a browser, through using the services of this website, enters into an agreement with this Company and becomes a member of this website, the data provided to this Company during registration, including but not limited to the name of the browser, telephone number, e-mail address, address and other information in the registration form; and other personal information provided to this Company by the consent of the browser.

(iii) 假如瀏覽者透過使用本網站的服務,而與本公司達成協議,成為本網站的會員,於登記時透過填寫登記表格向本公司提供的資料,包括但不限於瀏覽者的姓名、電話號碼、電郵地址、地址及於登記表格內的其他資料;及其他由瀏覽者自願向本公司提供的個人資料。

2. The information collected online will be used by this Company for provision of services, handling of enquiries and complaints, surveying of services. Upon your consent, this Company may also use your personal data for direct marketing. If you are under 16, you must seek consent from your parents or guardians before providing any personal information to this Company. Also, your personal data may be transferred or revealed to different parties, given the following situations:

2. 本公司於網上收集的客戶個人資料會用作本公司向閣下提供服務、處理查詢及投訴、作有關服務調查的用途,閣下的個人資料亦會在閣下的同意下有機會作為本公司直接推銷的用途。若閣下未滿16歲,閣下必須在向本公司提供任何個人資料之前徵詢家長或閣下的監護人的同意。此外閣下的個人資料亦可能按所需情況就下列目的及用途而轉移或轉讓或披露予各方:

(i) application, daily operation (including but not limited to member/user update), renewal and termination of using the service of this website;

(i) 申請、日常運作(包括但不限於會員/使用者更新)、延續使用及終止使用本網站的服務;

(ii) The agent(s), supplier(s), contractor(s), partner(s) or other service provider(s) that provide services for this website and other related services;

(ii) 本公司的代理商、供應商、承包商、合作夥件或任何其他服務提供者,以供其用於本網站提供的服務或相關的用途;

(iii) verification of your identity;

(iii) 核實閣下身份;

(iv) disclosure of personal data to relevant authorities that have legally binding power on this Company; and

(iv) 按對本公司有約束力的任何法例要求,向有關的機關披露個人資料;及

(v) internal evaluation and analysis.

(v) 內部統計調查和分析。

3. If you do not consent to this Company using your personal data, you can decide if you wish to provide the information that is not required at your discretion.  The reasons that you may provide information that is not required are:

3. 若閣下不願意本公司使用閣下的個人資料,閣下可自願決定是否提供沒有被標示為必須的基本個人資料,閣下可自願提供閣下的個人資料所涉及的目的是:

(i) to allow this Company to better understand the characteristics of members or users of this website; and

(i) 使本公司更能夠了解本網站會員或使用者的特徵;及

(ii) to allow this Company to provide commodities and other services that better suit your needs.

(ii) 使本公司能夠提供更切合閣下所需的相關貨品或其他服務。

4. When collecting your personal data, this Company will:

4. 本公司在收集閣下的個人資料時,將會:

(i) explain to you that the Company is collecting your data and its use;

(i) 向閣下說明本公司正在收集閣下的個人資料以及收集的用途;

(ii) provide a chance for you to object to having your personal data used for specific uses; and

(ii) 給閣下反對使用個人資料作特定用途的機會;及

(iii) explain how this Company saves personal data and provides ways for you to check, revise and delete personal data already saved.

(iii) 說明本公司如何儲存個人資料的方法,以及可供閣下查閱、更改及刪除已儲存個人資料的方法。

5. This Company proposes to use your personal data for direct marketing.  Unless we have obtained your consent, we will not use your personal data.

5. 本公司擬使用閣下所提供的個人資料作直接促銷用途。除非得到閣下同意,否則本公司不會使用閣下的個人資料。

6. This Company will use your surname, name, telephone number, e-mail address and relevant personal data to promote the activities and offers provided by this Company.

If you do not consent to this Company using your personal data for the aforementioned sue, you may request this Company to cease using your personal data for direct marketing and to exercise your right to objection.  After receiving your notification, this Company will cease using your personal data for direct marketing accordingly.

6. 本公司將會使用閣下的姓氏、名字、電話、電郵地址和相關的個人資料推廣本公司所提供的活動和優惠。


7. Users agree, in certain circumstances, that the legal handling of personal data is subject to judiciary supervision in certain regions and that consent is required.  If the relevant laws require that this Company should obtain consent before handling personal information (including the use of direct marketing), this Company will obtain consent in a clear and comprehensively manner.  You should have understood the reason of personal data collection when using this website, identify of transferees (such as disclosure and transferral of personal data) and how transferees may use your personal data.

7. 同意就某些情況下,合法處理個人資料受若干地區的司法監督,需要資料當事人的同意。如有關法例規定本公司處理個人資料(其中包括直銷用途)前需獲得同意,本公司將按清晰容易明白及讀取方式取得。閣下於使用本網站時已明白清楚個人資料使用的目的,資料受讓人的身份(如個人資料被披露或轉讓)及資料受讓人使用閣下個人資料方式。

8. Regarding the disclosure and transferral of personal data, this Company may disclose or transfer your personal data (regardless of the jurisdiction in which you are situated) to the corporate company(ies), associated company(ies), collateral company(ies), business partner(s), service provider(s) and other persons deemed suitable by this Company to provide services or commodities at your request.  We may disclose such information, or use such information in accordance with this privacy policy so as to effectively deliver our services, commodities and information to you.

8. 個人資料披露及轉移,本公司可能將閣下的個人資料(不論閣下所處的司法管轄區)披露或轉移予本公司的集團公司、聯營公司、附屬公司、商業夥伴、服務供應商以及本公司就閣下要求或提供予閣下服務及貨品而認為合適的其他人士。我們可能披露這些資料、或使用於根據本私穩政策內所列的用途,以便有效把有關貨品、服務及其資訊傳送給閣下。

9. This Company has imposed internal staff regulations to ensure that our staff will not use your information other than the listed uses above and to remind our staff of keeping your personal information confidential.  However your personal data is kept, only authorised staff in this Company can access your data.  All electronically kept data will be encrypted for safety and only authorised staff of this website may access such data.  The staff will only be delegated to handle persona data in accordance with this privacy policy.

9. 本公司內部設有員工守則,務求確保員工不會將閣下資料使用於上述指定的用途以外,並提醒員工必須將閣下的個人資料保密。閣下的個人資料不論如何儲存,將只限於本公司已獲授權查閱該等資料的員工方可查閱。凡以電子方式儲存的個人資料,將以加密保障,以及只限本網站的獲授權人員方可查閱。被指定負責處理個人資料的員工,只在按照本私隱政策的規定下方會被指示進行相關處理。

10. If, for any reason, this Company has to take any legal action against you, you explicitly agree that this Company can make use of the personal data you provide to verify your identity and initiate any legal action against you.

10. 若基於任何理由,本公司有必要在法律程序中對閣下採取行動時,閣下明示同意,在識別閣下身份及對閣下採取法律行動時,本公司可以在閣下所提供的個人資料中作為依據。

11. This Company will keep your personal data for a period of time that we need to fulfil the requirements of this privacy policy.  This Company can also keep your personal data for statistical use.  This Company will delete and destruct all personal data until such information has no direct or relevant use as listed in this privacy policy.

11. 本公司在為貫徹閣下的個人資料被收集的目的所需的時間內保留閣下的個人資料。本公司亦可為統計目的而保留個人資料檔案。直至該等資料已不再存有任何直接或有關的用途後,便會刪除或銷毀該等個人資料。

12. You are entitled to enquire if this Company keeps your personal data in writing, or acquire copies of such information and/or revise or delete such information.  If you wish to make such a request, please e-mail us at  This Company will handle your request within 40 working days upon receipt of such a request. 

12. 閣下有權向本公司書面查詢本公司是否擁有閣下的個人資料,以及要求取得該等資料的副本及/或更正或刪除該等資料。如閣下希望作出上述要求,請電郵至,本公司在接獲此等要求後,將在不多於四十個工作天內處理。

13. This Company may update this privacy policy at any times without making any notification.  You may visit this link ( at any time to browse the latest version of the privacy policy or other relevant documents.

13. 本私隱政策有可能不時被本公司更新而不另行通知閣下;閣下可以隨時到以下的網頁(,請瀏覽本私隱政策及有關文件的最新版本。

Last Updated on 18 May 2021
